CB Special Components find its roots in a technologically advanced sector in continuous development, Motorsport.
Company was born in early 2000s, by the passion for competitions of its founder, Claudio –aka CB- with the aim of realize and develop special components for racing vehicles, starting from his own rally car. First products were spherical joints and silent blocks in metal and reinforced polyurethane, realized following three main principles: safety, interchangeability with OEM, and respect of homologation constrains. The diffusion of these innovative components led him to a success in the Italian championship for the dedicated categories, which marked the point of ascent to an international market, giving the opportunity of collaboration with official teams of world rally championship.

Then, the partnership has been extended to well know car makers in Motorsport sector, and private companies who create parts for mechanical groups complementary to our main production.
CB started its activity of implementation dealing with suspension group and chassis, acting in the specific on suspension joints, tubular arms, top mounts for adjustable geometry, wheel hubs and wheel studs, silentblocks in reinforced elastomers, steering ball joints, steering rod ends, pointing its attention also to the transmission group, with reinforced barshafts and driveshafts. With development of know-how and technologies available in the plant, the production evolved to the complete steering group, as steering housing, steering rack bar, ball joints, hydraulic valves and bushings, and other components fully realized by CNC procedures, as suspension mounts on chassis, brake disc bells, uprights, suspension arms, engine mounts and gearbox mounts, tripod housing for CV joints, barshafts with rolled spline, jigs for chassis welding and jigs for bodywork molded parts in carbon fiber composites. This wide range of components, all for specific usage on Racing vehicles as rally and circuit cars, are completely made with our technological and manufacturing contribution. In parallel, it’s been sharpened the section of re-building of components for Vintage cars, using the advanced workshop features.
Nowadays, CB deals with manufacturing of high precision mechanical components in metal alloys and polymeric compounds, from simplest to more complex, both from machining side and thermal treatments and coatings side. The Company offers the knowledge about the product creation and processes strategies. The mechanical culture at the core of a constant growth since the foundation, allowed us to extent our horizons to other sectors, with similar parts specs and project requirements, as Aircraft, Aerospace, Naval and Defense.
Our activity, intended not only as a products supply, but as a wider concept of furniture of a flexible manufacturing built on Customer’s requirements, impose us to manage the workflow with constant controls and a precise monitoring. Our strength, as well a company policy, is a lean production pointed to obtain rapid responses and quick machinery set-up, in order to satisfy request in continuous evolution.
Technological solutions applied in the Company need a deep knowledge of raw materials and their chemical-physical characteristics. Alloys and compounds in constant improvement and always more precise machining, have to be sided by advanced workstations combined with suppliers of external processes specialized in heat treatments, finishing and coatings. This allowed and still allows today to get powerful performances without any lack on safety and reliability of the product.
Another fundamental aspect that the Company considers of net relevance is the employees’ training; every year are invested many resources in this field, specifically directed to be updated with the technological evolution in rapid ascent, regarding both raw materials and tooling dedicated to machineries set-up. Thus it’s strictly necessary to evaluate and point the possibilities of improvement of knowledge, equipment, and methods.
The passion for the activity we perform allows us to look further, passing over difficult and though times, and that’s what push us to be better, day by day.